Mar 22, 2021
The Rev. David Shivers presents, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech, "I Have a Dream." Rev. Shiver's presentation begins at 10:38.
Mar 17, 2021
God so loved the world that God made us to steep in the world! We are here to participate in the restration of mind, body, and spirit for all humanity! This passage is less about right belief, and more about right practice! As we seek to follow the way, what is our task? That all know the belovedness of God. What...
Mar 8, 2021
I love that the church goes out to the marketplace particularly around matters of social justice. What this gospel is about is taking the commercialized and ritualized aspects of our consuming and our worship, and turn them over so that we can dig deeper into the truth and find out what it is we want to teach our kids,...
Mar 2, 2021
In scripture, a remnant is a leftover portion whether it is material, food, or people. God assigned high value to remnants--holy purposes. Sermons begin at 10:22.